E IK NEWMARKET ERA Every Friday Morning -ex- GEO JACKSON it ma HOUSE ir Afid Give mk to know to and to prepay according to above all ONTARIO BANK Ml NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol- 24 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July 8 Terms 100 Strictly in Advance I a much within or end of year ih oynci BR j on I s AT a a LEGAL J Ac Notary to Loan od firm cosvBYAXCKn vision Court fitOnt CASE floury to OFFICEIS Arcade at Simon t Oat MILLION A and Scotia P flrfttrt AwxiWKWi itrartn Hula AwjarfcJ to A to I P to CAHPBELIalOK op- Si A to t ill I to Method PER WRIGHT Co FOR MILK PAILS STRAINER PAILS CREAM PAILS MILK PANS CREAMERS MILK STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS RICHMOND w No f lit CANADA STATES MANITOBA L10LAVD AIl UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms Baskest all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil PoflTT TEE VERY BEST W No to Ih Homo Telephone No promptly WRIGHT CO MARRIAGE GEO J ISSUER Of LICENSES At the Office NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE FOR- J CLOCK Store up gold Hi IS CO and to at PURE JAMAICA RUM AND HOLLAND GIN P J OMALLEY A IN and Of Aiii Work on Corner of UIq CANADA LIFE CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION MAIN NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE rf LAWB1E Old Main and to 3ii No- Alma Sl flNtiUI So the people say P J 260 MAIN ST NORTH OAPITAJj AND FUNDS- DOLLARS worldwide fort two J CAUTION EACH OP THE Myrtle For Era Boys and If would hoy Qis For of fcollih It ry Tw of it to drifting a too I It flod It Iho tad oUi ml whit is idoto 1 Of you cm yo1 d til If Him whlipert do Hot If one It LJ bird to Therefore in J When Is t To rill igaioit For ma If I to mo I wilt mo For my Bat to you lb mil Slrifo to do good at ill limes J whit mete do fill- r in God Hell help yea to the fight giro both To do A- 1 For lifs I fitouffvllle The York of the Royal Templira of at on Friday July hat now arrived whoo the corporation of tbo go od waxpith ha and will in toon monopolies Oo Monday evening of weok and wore enjoying their fint with a and a on tho it and vehicle thrown and Mrs injured On Friday last tbo ball of place to Big Bay Point whore a with of play- from and Mount Albert resulted in victory or the by a of to Tribune 18 B in liuoNZE None Other the death of who at No nib it tbo of burled the tbit bed ipoiotei for of hi mother iDd to la he w diuv typhoid before re- to I Firewall to he my it deer I kin J and fiUhfol well to friend I to tbw Who to my bride to be tha cloud hive Farewell wear for grow the And feeble my breath Cold grow llfei blood In eoon come the gather ma fall heir of Chrlit tbe Master I hear of angel we but Dot For there Vbidloviog do death Where pain come no mote There we bll hear do of j There team more our eye For we dwell id thai fiii Ob EDttt my toother Ob meet me there my I brother And thou I J Follocc Valley Wo glad to coo weather after so much which bid a bad upon low land and leaky roots Mr baa boon rtpalf- log barn roof Mua bu taken her da- to her vacation at home Sheriff mother and hero A over here and did ago Quito a ditto day last of our dooblabar relied loaded with hie wife until baodld by bit oldtt boo A Dumber of friends in ity gather together to play The merry laugh knocking of and can be heard for half a mile until eleven oclock at j for lndon Norwich Clival log All Stock Farm Town Property Tin Shop gHrAUUSHKUiaw ai meet all ul on J Blow NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT to PAPERS Wall Papers Borders and Decorations in Largo Variety and Latest Designs SPECIAL ATTENTION A VITAL BANK g TORONTO ESTABLISHED TORONTO BRANCH Church Wellington Sis SAVINGS DEPARTMENT received la fiaJ fllloucJ thereon at cur- Cat up Only One Fault SPECIAL DEPOSITS SPECIAL Allowed for ihan lloMipt for uino CuiS2 Manager WJ AUOTlOSKEIt CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W STARR of nd Sale ft Specially- CbWiel can bo made at iho j Z ejilDiliOcldeoie at J LUNDYS MACHINE WORKS NEWMARKET DUNNS BAKING POWDER BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA MANUFACTURING offlcaor on Kail BEATTYS I IOELEDKATKD ORGANS AND PIANOS DAKIEC BUTTY WASHINGTON i MUSI CI kdxtu col In rUIEoolrteacberin Oer ibo- Toronto on BUGLES AND WAGONS OF FIRST QUALITY AIM REPAIRING Wagons REAPERS MOWERS And Agricultoul Mftchinery ON SHOUT NOTICE at that are right At MAOHINK SHOP Huron Street THE HEALTH Jul f V od choir A i Vrt alw choir Be WplUt No win ML andrtM 10 the elated Kidneys Ad Liver all uid at Cor- Acidity Stomach curing Dyspepsia Headaches Heartburn Constipation of tho Dropsy Dimness or Jaun dice salt Scro fula Fluttering of Ner vousness and General ail and many other yield to happy fcU BLOOD A For oil CO wn Mills THE BEST ROLLER FLOOR Kept Constantly on Gristing Chopping Feed p Kirro Proprietor PRINTING at Sick H fioni which many Buffer and taw roo Its Is Indigestion a liver euro for which Is In use of rills I fouud that for tick caused by a disordered toudlllOD of the Tills ro liable remedy Saiuutl After use of for luypcacUco end In thai are aud liver for Mn V P Co best known to mo for nd for all by a ordered stomach liver I fluttered year from headache aud 1 no was weak and nervous of the By boxes of Pills and at time I completely t Philip LockwoodTopckaKtusas vu troubled for years with constipation and headache A few boxes of iued In dally doses restored to They are prompt effective Pills Dr J Co 11 I was riding through a town In Vermont when I noticed ft o people in graveyard encircling an open grave It was a warm day and I had rid den ten mile and I draw the rein some to allow the hone to real Presently a villager came toward me and I laid theres a to day in your Yea Stephen of the largest hearted men I ever knew He had great abilities We sen him to the legislature three times They thought of nominating him or governor But to added sadly Stephen had one I made no answer I was tired and watched the people slowly dis- leaving the sexton to his soli tary work A vtzf generoas man was Always visited the slok The old people all liked him even the children used to follow him on the A good man Indeed I said in differently Yea ho had only one fault What was that I asked Only intemperance Did It harm him I somewhat He didnt seem have any power to resist it at last He get behindhand and bad to mort gage his farm and finally had to sell it His wife died on account of re verses kind of crashed disappointed Then bis children turned badly His intemperance seemed to mortify them and away their spirits He had to politics twould not do you see Then wo had to set him apart from the church and at lest his brought and we had to him to the He died there only Poor man he had only one leak but it sank him Only one fault The temple had only one decaying pillar but It fell Only one- fault Honor gone wife lost family ruined social religions privileges abandoned brok en health poverty paralysis and the One fault only one lib of King wheat ii an good crop in this but the recent heavy rains have knocked it down considerably Haying will soon be the order of the day among the farmers and a fairly good crop will bo out work has not yet been com pleted on our line What is our everlasting overseer doing Two children Mr John Shear- down of residing with of this place are down with scarlet fever bub we are to hear they are the mead Mr yboardowo sold a fine young home to Mr George Sampson of White A Boas of are doing fine carpentering at Mr Geo money granted for catting down and the hilts in this vioinity has been nearly all worked in and made a different look- I road of it Mr John Berry is putting a new roof on hie barn on the home stead having been blown the late heavy winds Aurora- wrote for en trance hero about twenty of whom are from the Public Schools in the football match was played be tween Aurora at Bonds lake resulting in favor of Aurora by to Grand Trunk freight were broken open same night that the Post Office was aud a number of oases of brok en open bat of taken bakery and one or two other were also visited A few days ago while cleaning up plot In the Mr David attempted to remove some poison Ivory and in doing so bis hand in the weed and became I The poison has spread through his system and he is Buffering considerably from ill effects A very large number of people vis ited the here last Friday and decorated graves of the de parted with flowers so The mem bers and frionds of the Lodge viaited the Cemetery in a body and bestowed floral decorations on the graves of departed members of the Lodge A baseball between the jun iors of Newmarket and Aurora was played In park here last Thurs day evening which of and for Newmarket Taking Into consideration the age of the players and amount of prac tice was good playing The Lottery Law Sutton Instructions been sent to tba of Inland to have milk cans The Oritita Barrio road race Is over at last and Dan of the OrilUa Bicycle Club now wears tho sold watch The race took place on Wednesday last and road was In good condition Considering heavy rains Out of the 17 entries five started There was a very garden party held at on Thursday the In aid church at Tho chief of entertainment was the between the mar ried and single gentlemen the bache lor being A new platform has been erected at Point by the Co A number of Newmarket and Or ilUa were in our village Sunday Indians on Island are holding a fourdays meet ing on reserve this week Toronto Brotherhood of Locomo tive Fireman will run an excursion to Jacksons PL time this month Mr Yates of Baldwin has purchased the stock of goods lately owned by Mr J Vyinch Mr Burgess science master of High School presided at the entrance examination hero 30 wrote Mrs It J wife of Tor ontos mayor Is the guest of Mrs Wilkinson at the Methodist parson age alio Mra Wilkinsons mother Mrs Geo lltcherdton Last Sunday was Childrens Day In Knox On Saturday after noon children decorated the tastefully with flowers and ferns and It presented a very Inviting Two cases of assault and battery brought Mary Ann Godfrey against Hales and the other by Loots Godfrey against John Hales occupied time and attendance of throe magistrates Treloar and Da ton at Intervals all last week one case lasting four days The part ies are neighbors and live at Port Bolster In Georglna Last woek a lumber pile mysterious ly caught fire on premises of Mr John Howard lb was exting uished by a few palls of water Shortly after the fire In the same place and it was observed to have origin from reflection of the suns rays from the convex bot tom of a creamer which was leaning near house The bottom of the being ran bright the raya were enough to tho fire Ottawa Juno law re specting lotteries as passed by the Hood of Commons yesterday read as follows Every is guilty of an indict able offence and liable to two years imprisonment and a floe or two thousand dollars who a prints advertises or publishes or or procures to be made printed advertised or published any proposal or plan for ad vancing loading giving selling or in any way of any property by lota cards tickets or any mode of chance whatsoever or Sells barters exchanges or otherwise dispone of or causes or procures or aids or assists in the sale barter exchange or other disposal of or offer for sale barter or exchange any lot ticket or other means or device for advancing lending giv ing selling or otherwise disposing of any property by lots tickets or any mode of whatsoever Everyone is guilty of an liable summary conviction to a of who buys barters take or receives any or other device afore said Every sale loan gift barter or of any property by any lottery ticket card or other mode of chance depending upon or to be de termined by or lot is void and all such property sold lent given bartered or exchanged is liable to bo to any person who sues for notion or information in any court of competent jurisdiction No such forfeiture shall affect any right or title to such property quired by any bona fide purchaser for without notice This section applies to the print- or publishing or causing to be or published of any advertise ment scheme proposal or plan of any foreign lottery and to the sale or offer for sale of any ticket or shirt any lottery or to the advertisement for sale of such ticket chance or share This section does not apply to a the division by lot or chance of any property by joint tenants or tenants In common or persons having joint interests aVoirs indipit In any such property or 6 raffles for prizes of small value it any bazaar held for any object if per mission- to hold the same boon obtained from the city or other municipal council or from the mayor reeve or other officer of the town or other municipality wherein such is held Any distribution by lot among the members or tiokethofder of any incorporated society established for the encouragement of art of any paintings drawings or other work of art produced by the labor of the members of or published by or under the direct ion of such Incorporated Any company or association heretofore incorporated or authorized the provisions of any act of the of Canada or of a Provincial Legislature to do any of the in this section specified was relieved of the words limiting the value of an article raffled at a bazaar to Ontarios Mining Recently a number of gentlemen of capital waited upon Sir Oliver with to adoption of a mining for this Province and from what transpired at interview are sanguine that tangible results will follow Mining is be coming a pretty live subject and the worldwide attention now being given to the untold riches of the nickel veins this vast province seems to be stirring up the govern ment to a proper of its respon sibility towards the vast population for whom it ostensibly governs For the past two years a masterly Inactivity bat ad ran ago which have reaped from tho immense strains of the Sod- bury district This province is rich beyond comparison Id the mineral gifts which nature has bestowed and np to present moment it bas been left to the cupidity few speculators to dig down for wealth Ontario bestows without let or hindrance of Government sanction or control Mr Ellas and the gentle man with whom he acta mast have let a little wholesome light into the governmental intelligence when he pleaded for establishment of pro vincial smelting and refining into tho Sudbury district like water OS DAT St wrote for entrance Mariham High School A canal boat loaded with flax seed sank In the Erie canal Sunday King Orangemen hold a dem onstration at on 13 whole southern shore of tho Caspian Be is infested with chol era Pipestone is the name giver to tho new town at their Hour is ter- Presbyterians aro build ing a shed at their church at Bab So vara sections of were visited by a destructive on Friday night Hay flour mill lis to- wel was destroyed totally by flra morning Tho Afghans lost 1500 killed wounded in the recent fight against tba Thomas Barry one of Rath- buns clerks had his foot taken off at Falls by a train Another again deluged Illinois valley and sever- washouts are reported t3L During the first six months this year immigrants reach ed Winnipeg for the West belt tbe world doesnt What the Old Man lias to say- but very largely from a forei channels already opened owe their origin to foreign from aorou tbo line it is a less than an merce nary motive which now prompta the leading business men of Toronto to inspire tbe Government of Ontario with a due sense of its responsibility towards the vast constituency wbioh it represent Several of these gentlemen who have been seen within the past few days are fully alive to the importance of the theme and eel confident that legislation will now be enacted that will at once develop the vast mining resources of Ontario without further delay Much baa been done already but already in possession so exclusive their knowledge of ascertained result that it is difficult to determine tho actual of re searches already made it to what all the world already knows that Ontario an unlimited monopoly of mineral wealth in nickel and similar yields which is unequalled any part of the globe Information is now be fore Provincial Cabinet which is almost star tliog in its potential sig nificance Facts relating to the vast deposits are now becoming known which have hitherto been studiously kept from the pnblio ken DAYS OP MONOPOLISTIC are now over and the privileges hitherto the exclusive property of the sacred few must now bo shared by the people at targe Facts relating to the vast interests at stake are how being piled up Only last week Mr H A of the Commercial Mining Company who was in Toron to gave publicity to the astonishing faot that the mineral exports to date from Ontario show an excess in value of compared with last year and the greater part of this vast production was quietly shipped to the United States Uncle Sam has got his eyes folly open to our Inertness in this province and has made a silent appropriation of for nickel purchase whole of which is to be spent in On tario What we ask the Government to do said Mr to pro at once to give practical aid to establish a central customs smelter In the Sudbury dist riot where our crude metal pan be taken and ores of the mines INTO That Is tho first step and think it Is not unreasonable to expect the to do this at the pnblio cost As we stand now we are absolutely at the of the Amer ican capitalists who are just Hooding the know how the other half live hut som women are trying their best to find out Fult finders have their If all was allowed to go without crltl- or checking things would go to the dogs sooner or later Of course we all kick about fsult finders that Is natural but like and mustard plasters tea they have a place to fill and would be missed If they dropped out of ex istence which they are not at all likely to do Is no more contemptible being on the face of the earth than the man whose business practices are regulated by the motto Everyone must look out for himself- Tho man who will Intentionally take ad vantage of the weakness or lack of Information of a neighbor to ell him an unsound horse at the price of a sound one Is not one whit better In principle than the man who robs his neighbors henroost In the latter more a man of the two for he Incurs a physical danger which tho other Is too cowardly to risk Mr Salter Jarvis one of most highly respected and useful of was drowned la a cistern on hi own premise on Sat urday a 0B MAY NAMES IS ORDER OF union a a no and east C1m Fletcher Jsivta HI ClssPolly SUoaer root If Cist- Little Foot Mabel 8klocr Jr Clua Byron Bosks Juris 1st Class Jr 1st ClassMstUda Victoria Scott Martha Leoghorst Sid John Sod lit John SuUvell Anal lostoo Skinner A Luxix A number of Canadian sealer and steamer have been seised in Alaskan by United States disease known as is spreading in the suburbs of Paris deaths being attributed to the dis- on An earthquake at Mexico on Saturday wrecked 100 houses and injur ad many people but no lives were lost Stephen Duffy a painter fell from a scaffold on one of the towers on the carriage Suspension Canadian side and was instantly killed Some person- or persons en tered the premliei Win of secoud concession of King on Friday night and stole a horse and harness The feat of patting locomotive together in ten hours from driving of tho Erst rivet to of cab performed in Stratford England recently A balloon at tbe Crystal Palace grounds London burst feet from the ground Ono pss was killed and the other three were fatally Injured White attending a shooting match at Agmoourt Saturday Mr John Weir of Armadale lost three of fingers by theaeoidental discharge of his gun which he was holding by the moule German scientists are now making an explosive equal to dyna mite out of jute It called and is prepared by treating jute with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric The smuggled liquor which have been lying in the examining warehouse at for aome past were sold at auction on Saturday and brought per gallon Tho total amount was about An exchange says you should boll pods of green peas them oat and boil I tbe peas in tho tame water There is more sweet In the pods in peas Later on the sugar goes from pod Into pea No smoker ever the Navy tobacco for say a month ever relinquishes it for any other brand flavor la rich and full and It never burns the tongue or palate It Is in of smoking On Sunday night the passen gers of the two cars In differ ent sections of Boston became panic stricken the carsj taking fire jumped into the street while oars were going at high speed Thirteen persons Injured three seriously tW Stuart Walker formerly of Uxbridge ten year of age sue- In gaining a scholarship from competitors In Gordon College Aberdeen Scotland This entitles to free book and tuition and a year his In college June The first ex hibit to be taken into the Worlds was received at the custom yeaterday It consisted of thirteen enormous logs containing feet of lumber They came from Canada having been chopped from tho great wilds of that country Six member of the Grand Trunk Boat Club were drowned at Montreal on Saturday through the of a large canoe A young man named Glenn of was killed on Thursday by a bent falling on him while assisting at a log On Saturday William Shep herd of Vaughan reported to Toronto detective department that had been stolen from field Friday night Monday be the missing animal in the field of William Forbes at Clinton place He Forbes if the beast for sale Forbes agreed to part with it for Shepherd notified policoolthe affair and Forbes was placed under arrest on a charge of having stolen the animal Some small soul people reside in as well as in other town A theft say the was by some sneak thlsvea at the Methodist Church last While some dishes were being taken out foruse at the the were left open in a few min ute Some person or person took advantage of the opportunity thus afforded and entering the primary class room broke open the missionary contribution box said spriaUd Us